It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare.
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. But your grief continues and you feel alone.
Often, friends and family want to help you, but don't know how. That's the reason for GriefShare. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we've been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. You'll find it to be a warm caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare experience:
1. Video Seminar: Encouraging information packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts
2. Support Group: Small group discussion about the weekly video content
3. Workbook: Journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics
The GriefShare Group will begin another 14 week session beginning Sunday September 8, 2024 at Community Bible Church. We will have an introductory session called "Loss of a Spouse" on Sunday August 25, 2024, from 2 PM to 4PM. All sessions will begin at 2:00.
WHEN: Sunday August 25, 2024 (14 sessions, one each Sunday). Sessions run from 2 PM to 4 PM. You are welcome to begin attending our GriefShare group at any point. Each session is "self-contained," so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will be able to pick up any session you missed in our next 14-week cycle.
WHERE: Community Bible Church, 1516 N Harrison, Pierre, SD
Scott Granville - scottgrand@aol.com
Carol Gengler - genglercarol@gmail.com
Nancy Thompson - nancy@wnthomsen@pie.midco.net
Marc Scarborough
Char Russell
Weekly Seminar Topics
August 25 - Loss of Spouse
September 8 - Is This Normal?
September 15 - Your Grief Journey
September 22 - Loneliness & Sadness
September 29 - Self-Care
October 6 - Fearful & Overwhelmed
October 13 - Anger
October 20 - Regrets
October 27 - Grief & Your Household
November 3 - Grief & Your Friendships
November 10 - Surviving the Holidays
November 17 - Questions for God
November 24 - Stuck in Grief
December 01 - Hope & Resilience
December 08 - What Do I Live for Now?
December 15 - Christmas Potluck
I lost my wife Pam suddenly and unexpectedly from a pulmonary aneurysm on February 2nd, 2022, the day after our 28th wedding anniversary. As with many couples, we were soulmates and best friends. Partners in everything. I could never have imagined what the grief would be like. The range of emotions from losing her, was and continues to be overwhelming at times. Early in my grief journey, I was concerned there was something wrong with me, because of some of the thoughts and emotions I was experiencing.
It was only six weeks after my loss that I started a GriefShare session. I quickly realized there was nothing wrong with me. The thoughts and emotions were normal for a person going through the kind of loss that I was experiencing.
This is why I believe that GriefShare can be a valuable tool in anyone’s grief journey. The weekly videos and workbook are very informative and incorporate biblical references into the discussions. In my session, it was a very diverse group of people, and everyone had a unique grief story. But, I definitely gained valuable insight from the group discussions. People can talk and share as much, or as little as they want. I talked more than I would have expected, and it was therapeutic for me. But, if a person doesn’t feel like sharing, that’s fine too. Everyone has a different story and deals with their grief in different ways. This is how God intends it to be.
I would encourage anyone that has suffered the loss of a loved one, to attend GriefShare. At least come to the first few meetings and learn what it is about. When I started, I really didn’t expect to complete the 13 week session. But, I went through all 13 weeks, only missing one meeting, and found myself really looking forward to it each week.
Marc Scarborough
In Their Own Words - Group Members Describe the GriefShare Experience
"A safety net when my world was literally falling apart."
"The permission I needed to let grief happen."
"I saw my grief so much more clearly."
"I was able to see I was not alone."
"You find out that you are not crazy."
"A turning point in my life."
"I thought it might be depressing, but honestly it felt good to know I am not alone."
"I would be a mess if it weren't for GriefShare."
"I felt so safe and loved."
"It saved my life."
"Group members quickly became 'family'."
"GriefShare has given me hope."
"The best thing I ever did for myself."
"This group is amazing. It fills my tank every week."
"I am a new person ready for the next step in my life!"