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Pastor Phil Newby


A big part of the Christmas season is music. My family has always loved going caroling. Here’s a tip – never take your dogs with you when caroling through your neighborhood. I did and ended up in the middle of a dog fight on the ground in the snow during “Joy to the World.” My point is this: singing songs about Christ is not optional for the Christian any time of year.  Wait a minute, what about those of us who can’t carry a tune in a bucket? If you have never heard anyone like

that, chances are it might be you!

Seriously, did you know that singing praises to God is commanded in Scripture? Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” The book of Psalms was the songbook for ancient Israel and now part of God’s Word. The Greek word for “Hymn” is not our hymnbook but refers to all songs of praise to God. “Spiritual songs” were songs of testimony to God and to one another.

Christ in us involves the mind AND the heart. Teaching the Word and admonishing with it focuses on the mind. Singing focuses on the heart. The more we focus on Jesus the more we want to sing His praises because of what He has done! For some of us, the beautiful melody in our hearts that is the result of Christ in us comes out like Psalm 95:2, “Make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!” and that is just fine. No wonder music is such a big part of Christmas. Yes, for believers, singing is simply not an option. Sing!

Pastor Phil Newby

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