In your pursuit of sanctification, have you ever thought, “Lord, what can I sacrifice for the glory of Christ? Is there more I can give?” To grow in Christ requires sacrifice, so these are excellent questions to ask oneself. Let me put one answer on your radar that is basic and obvious, but I think often neglected—food.
Fasting has been a distinguished mark of God’s people in both the Old and New Testaments (Ex 34:28; Deut 9:9; 2 Chron 20:3; Acts 9:9; 1 Cor 7:5). My favorite passage about fasting is Matt 4:1–4. As this passage shows, Christ’s purpose for us in fasting is to show us that we are to hunger for the Word of Christ more than we are to hunger for food. Wow! That’s hard. When we abstain from food for a period of time to the point that we feel uncomfortable, we learn of our great need for food and for God’s sustaining grace. Fasting makes us feel our need for God in a manner that is completely unique.
If you’re looking for ways to grow in your walk with Christ, consider fasting. Maybe it’s going without lunch, maybe it’s going 24 hours without food, maybe your fast may include a longer period of abstaining—whatever it is, abstaining from eating is about learning through the discomfort of hunger what it means to be satisfied with God’s Word. Is there more you can give up for Christ? Try giving up food for a time and see what the Lord teaches you.
Pastor Chance Sumner