Our church has some needs in the children’s ministry. There are four slots that need filling for children’s Sunday school. The responsibilities include either serving as teacher or helper.
I’m thankful for whoever meets these needs, but I would like to see these needs met by men. As it is with most churches, there is a small representation of men who serve in our children’s ministry, specifically Sunday school. Because few men serve in these roles, leadership in this area tends to be dominated by women.
This void of male leadership is unfortunate. Children need godly men in their lives. Some children respond better to male authority figures than they do female authority figure. My own son is an example of this. I imagine that there are many other boys (and girls) like this. Further, many children come from homes where there is no godly male figure. A godly male Sunday school teacher could help fill this void.
If you’re a qualified man, would you consider filling this need? Contact Jenn Oedekoven for more details.
Pastor Chance