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Talk is Cheap

Pastor Chance Sumner

I’m a sucker for sayings. I love ‘em, especially when they drive home theological points. Potentially, my favorite of all is the oldie but goody “talk is cheap.” The value of this statement relates to its brevity and its punch. In just three words, it communicates critical information about scriptural teaching as it relates to human nature.

The true expression of who we are is never shown through words alone. It’s easy to say, “I love Christ. I’ll do anything for Him. I’ll never forsake Him.” It’s a whole lot different (and much more difficult) to actually maintain those expressions of faith through difficulty and challenges. Another way to state this same idea: our true identity is expressed, not by our verbal confession alone, but through the way we act. Endurance through suffering shows the maturity of our faith. While we like to think we know what we believe, we really don’t know what we believe until we see how we respond to temptation and trial. This is why martyrdom is the ultimate demonstration of Christian faith. To die for one’s belief in Christ is to suffer to the uttermost for one’s faith.

We must never be deceived by ourselves or by others that mere talk is evidence of true, genuine faith. It’s not. Scripture warns against fake faith (James 2:14–17; Matthew 7:21; 1 John 3:18; Titus 1:16). We show what we believe through words plus action. The proof is in the pudding. Talk is never sufficient in and of itself, since talk is cheap and easy. Many people talk, few people live. Don’t be deceived by mere words; be a doer of the word, living out what you profess (James 1:22).

Pastor Chance Sumner

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