Share Your Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual gifts are something every believer is given when they receive the gift of salvation (1 Corinthians 12:7), they are specific ways the work of the Holy Spirit is manifested in our lives. These gifts — on top of our interests, abilities, hobbies, likes, and dislikes — join together to form who we are and how we participate in the work God is doing all around us.
Sunday Morning Ministry
First Impressions
Are you a people person? Are you excited to welcome people to CBC? Consider volunteering for greeter, usher, welcome center and coffee bar. Connect with people as they enter the building and the sanctuary. We want to spread a welcoming spirit and show Christ to all who enter!

Do you like to sing? Play an instrument? Maybe you prefer to be behind the scenes with sound, graphics and livestream. Whatever you enjoy, we would love to have you on the worship team!
Enjoy children? We bring the presence of God into the nursery room, share The Word of God on their level, and impart the love of Jesus.

Teaching (Outreach) Ministry

Youth 4 years through 12th grade participate in the CBC AWANA program each Wednesday from September through April.
Please prayerfully consider where you can help; we need club leaders, club secretaries, listeners and game leaders.

Sunday School
No special knowledge or experience required! Seeking church members who are looking to make a difference in the lives of our children, have a desire to encourage youth, to have fun and to teach them the word of God. Sunday school is an awesome and rewarding experience and the benefits are eternal!

Youth need guidance and support as they navigate through the most challenging part of their development and seek to grow their walk with Christ. Christ-like leaders are needed to serve this ministry.

We are blessed to be able to have VBS each year, and we need a lot of help. The purpose of CBC VBS is to minister to children in the church, create outreach to the surrounding community and to create evangelism opportunities.
Outreach-Missions Ministry

Operation Christmas Child
CBC is a dropoff for Operation Christmas Child each year. During the third week of November, volunteers are needed to organize, fill cartons and load trucks with the hundreds of shoeboxes we prayerfully anticipate receiving.

Behind the Scenes
Want to serve behind the scenes? There are many opportunities including college care packages, kitchen organization and maintenance, funeral preparation and serving, or with special events.

Women's Ministry
The mission of the Women's Ministry is to equip women to grow in love of Christ and community. They welcome all women of any age. Service opportunities include leading other women in bible studies and group events.

Women's Prison Ministry
On Christmas Eve, each woman in the South Dakota Women's Prison is given a bag of treats with the message of our Savior's Redeeming Love. We fill over 500 bags at Community Bible Church each December. Watch the bulletin for more information.